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August Support Group Meeting Zoom August 20 1pm Central Time

Dear MG Minnesota Support Group Members,


     Thank you for being a member of this very important support group.  Staying connected is so important during this time of limited social contact.


     The MGMinnesota Board invites you to the August Support Group meeting via Zoom this Saturday, August 20, starting at 1 pm.  The gathering will last no longer than 2 hours.  Diane Tower, the organization's chairperson, will be leading the gathering, I will be the Zoom host.  The Zoom link is found at the end of this message.


     This month we will be discussing a recent article in the “Brain and Life” magazine, entitled “How People with Myasthenia Gravis Can Protect Against COVID-19”.  (Here is the link to the article: People with Myasthenia Gravis Can Protect Against COVID-19 - Brain and Life

As we enter the third year of the pandemic, researchers and public health officials have much more data about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its mutations, who is most vulnerable to them, and how people with underlying health conditions, like myasthenia gravis (MG), fare after an infection. With these data, we can provide better answers to questions about the risks of COVID-19 to people with MG, the


     If you will be using Zoom on your cell phone, download the app from your cell phone provider's app store.  It is free.


     If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Diane Tower or me.


Monica St. Germain is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: MG Minnesota Support Group - August 20

Time: Aug 20, 2022 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


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Meeting ID: 845 9316 6629

Passcode: 237661


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Monica St. Germain, treasurer

MG Minnesota